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Narali Bhat
Narali bhat
Ingredients: Rice 1 katori, freshly grated coconut 1 vati, ghee 2 tsp, cloves 3-4, cardamom 2 , jaggery/ sugar, kesar ( soaked in milk for 15 min)
Wash the rice and cook it soft in pressure cooker .
Now take a non-stick pan. Heat ghee add cloves,
cardamom and jaggery let it melt a little.
Then add cooked rice and coconut stir till the rice gets
a coat of jaggery . Sprinkle some kesar over it .
It’s ready to eat.
It’s a simple recipe could be done on any occasion.
Jaggery/ sugar should be as per your preference.
Could sprinkle kesar dissolved in milk for yellow colour but Sanjula recommends the jaggery colour is more pleasing .
Avoid keeping it on flame for long time to retain moisture in rice.
Narali Bhat: Image
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